TPLC-12-1 Programmable Logic Controller

TPLC-12-1 is a universal programmable logic controller designed for large DIN rail installations. Below are some of its features:
- Up to 2048 opto-isolated inputs
- Up to 2048 relay outputs.
- Remote inputs / outputs via RS422 MODBUS
- Remote analog inputs via RS422 MODBUS
- Simple and intuitive GUI software for logical schematic creation, no programming skills needed
- Graphical, animated visualization of the controlled process for the end user
- Entirely web-based end user interface, working on any modern browser, allows for interaction from PC as well as from mobile devices such as phones and tablets
- Integration with TTCS temperature control system
TPLC-12-1 consists the following modules:
- The main module is where most of the work is done. It has connectors for power, opto-isolated RS232 link to the server module, RS422 link for modbus devices and a 25-pin D-Connector, where the I/O boards should be connected. Can also be configured as a slave for remote I/O configuration
- Input module with 32 opto-isolated inputs
- Output module with 32 relay outputs
- RS422 modbus remote analog input module with 8 analog inputs
- A web server module allows the system to be remotely accessed through a web browser. It also provides a multi-level user manager and a system log. When a TTCS system is used in the plant as well, a single server module is shared between them, integrating the two systems into one
A demonstration of the system is available at
This is a PLC and temp control simulation and the PLC comes pre-loaded with the program for one of our recent plants. It is safe to experiment with, as it is not connected to an actual site.
The application includes a cache manifest, which allows it to be cached by the browser and run off-line. In order to do this, one should just visit the link once and the browser will take care of the rest. It also includes additional settings, so on a mobile system, if the user chooses to save it to home screen, it provides a custom icon and cleaner interface (no address bar).
There are four users available for the demo - admin / power / operator / ro - one for each role. Any password works.